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  • Prerequisite: Successful completion of Basic Construction Stormwater Compliance course.

    This training course has been designed to go beyond simply informing participants of their obligations under the Stormwater Construction General Permit (CGP). The course provides participants with proven tools and resources as well as the Uniform Stormwater Management System (USMS) that, when properly implemented, will result in full Permit compliance on the jobsite. The standardized inspection approach taught in this class can also be utilized by anyone responsible for conducting thorough CGP site inspections and audits. The one-day class is focused on using the USMS and associated forms and tools to meet the requirements of the CGP and local municipal (MS4) permit requirements.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Explain the CGSP framework and compliance requirements.
    • Quickly locate all necessary compliance resources quickly in the AGC/C online consolidated resource list.
    • Utilize the standardized Site Documentation Checklists available.
    • Implement an effective, standardized stormwater compliance program using the AGC/C systems and tools.
    • Perform and properly document thorough site inspections and corrective actions.
    • Evaluate and implement cost-effective BMPs appropriate for varying site conditions.
    • Maintain all CGP-required compliance records.

    Who Should Attend: SWMP Administrators, Site Foreman, Superintendents, Project Managers, Pre-construction

    The Instructor:

    Rich Jackson, Account Manager, Environmental Compliance Manager, SRM

    Rich has 17 years of experience in the building industry: 12 of which were spent in various supervisory roles within the resident construction sector, and the last 6 years focused exclusively on construction stormwater permit compliance, with an emphasis on developing permit compliance programs.  Having joined SRM in 2007, Rich provides compliance assistance to both federal and civilian contractors and construction management agencies and provides compliance training in both the classroom and in the field.  He also co-created SRM's Uniform Stormwater Management System, which has become a nationally recognized model for successful construction stormwater permit compliance.