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  • Preparing For Construction Inclusion Week

  • The AGC of Colorado is supporting their members as they choose to take part in Construction Inclusion Week 2021. We recognize and understand that each of our firms may be at different places in their diversity, equity, and inclusion journeys, which is why we’re sharing various ways in which to engage with the content provided through www.ConstructionInclusionWeek.com.

    The intent for Construction Inclusion Week is to foster conversations that create alignment with the Culture of CARE values of Committing, Attracting, Retaining and Empowering a diverse workforce within inclusive work environments.

    As a recommendation – why not take the week of October 18th – 22nd  to find ways of informing your teams about what is means to provide a Culture of C.A.R.E, and encourage your workforce both within the field and the office to sign the Personal Culture of CARE Pledge, (Download Posters and Hard Hat stickers under the Culture of CARE Resource Page)

    If we genuinely want to attract, retain, and empower the best talent for our industry and maximize the diversity of our suppliers, we must grow our industry’s culture to be truly inclusive.


    Check out some of the resources that Culture of CARE Manger Erika has selected from the website for companies who are Just Beginning, are Moderately on their way and who are ALL IN when it comes to engaging with Construction Inclusion Week .

    Construction Inclusion Week Schedule Template (Recommendations for CIW Engagement scaled from Easy, to Moderate to All In.)

    Construction Inclusion Week Planning Guide